Christ Life Training (CLT) was established upon a foundation of training, equipping, and activating ministry in the life of each believer. Strong values of a personal relationship with God, hearing His voice, and living in the power and intimate presence of His Spirit are at the core of our training process. This has been true in our past sessions of ‘in house’ training and is also in the fabric of our online training courses. New Covenant life and Grace are in the foundation of my life message and is a strong testimony in the fabric of the CLT experience. Secret things belong to God, but when He reveals them to us they belong to the generations of our inheritance. I have committed my life to giving the secret things that God has given to me to the next generation in the hope that they will be transitioned to the generations that follow them. God gives His secrets to build His community of life upon the earth.
I believe that God disciples nations through, local church ministry and each believer is a unique prophetic expressions of the Spirit of God. If you are seeking to find your place of fit in being an expression of Christ’s life-giving church, establish a local church community, or embark upon a community based missions venture, CLT can prove to be an essential part of your spiritual adventure. With a strong emphasis upon understanding the word of God and an intimate encounter with the Spirit of God, we help to empower each for their part in the call of God in Christ. The focus of facilitating strong encounters with God will put you on a journey of destiny, discovering God’s truth and presence, wherever you are led in life. I consider this training essential to those who are called to lead in the body of Christ. Receiving and multiplying the substance of our training will grow any church leadership team, community core and church body in life-giving, life transforming ways.
Ted J. Hanson
What are our foundational values?
These Are Our Values:
- God writes a spiritual letter as an expression of Christ in human form in the earth.
- God determines our value. He gives us our identity, testimony, and destiny in Christ.
- The New Covenant is the tree of life, not the tree of the knowledge of good and evil
- Grace is the supernatural presence and power of God in our lives that changes our world.
- We equip believers through activation, facilitation and release in the power of God’s Spirit.
- We value the organism of the body of Christ, not an organization of Christianity. Christ in you is the hope of glory!
- The voice of God is NOW. The time is always NOW. Faith comes by hearing God in our hearts.
- The internal kingdom of heaven changes the external kingdoms of men. We believe that humans should be naturally supernatural and supernaturally natural.
Who are our affiliations?
We are associated with Abundant Life church (ALife Family Church) in Bellingham, WA. Abundant Life is a local church in association House of Bread Ministry and the House of Bread Network. We work to serve, activate, and equip one another to disciple the nations through local churches and local church ministries. We believe in a victorious church and a global harvest, and are committed to allowing the presence of the Holy Spirit to bring reformation to the church according to God’s plan in the restoration of all things.
Receiving The Secret Things! – Deut. 29:29
Based Ted J. Hanson’s life message of New Covenant Life and the power of God’s Grace. These are some of the Secret Things that are found in the treasure chest of Christ Life Training –
Unlock The Secrets To:
- Hearing God’s Voice
- Understanding Life-Giving Authority
- Living in the Intimate Realities of New Covenant Life
- Living in the Past and Current Expressions of God’s Grace in the Earth
- Experiencing and Exercising Supernatural Ministry and God’s Prophetic Expressions of Life
- Revelation for a Covenant Foundation of End Times in Order to Walk in the Grace of His Kingdom Coming and His Will Being Done in all Times
- Living Life Fully Alive
- Allowing God’s Word and Spirit to be Active in Your Life
- Leading Others With a Generational Plan
- Living as a Community of Love and Life
- An experience in responding to God in WORSHIP and becoming a testimony of His PRAISE

David Samual Wyldoaks
(World Race, G42 & CLT)
Christ Life Training has taught me about grace and touched me with a deeper revelation of covenant. It has activated my spirit and given me a love for the Bride. It has changed how I view the Father and His Heart for His Children! I feel empowered to live a victorious life!

Tracy Horne
(World Race, AIM & CLT)
How do you put one of the most transforming and life changing experience into a few words? It helped open my eyes to how God sees me and loves me. My life is forever impacted by learning to hear God’s voice in a deeper way. It has given me more insight into how God sees me which in turn changed how I see and value myself. I would highly recommend going through Christ Life Training if you are willing to be open to change!

Patty Reed
(World Race, G42 & CLT)
It provided a new foundation—and the space for new revelation—that has pushed me to grab ahold of who I am as a child of God. I’ve seen here such a culture of family within the church community that has changed my perspective of what life is intended to be. I showed up with a lot of questions and no idea how to put those questions into words, having had a lot of my beliefs challenged and broken down over the past few years. Through Ted’s teaching and his willingness to allow Holy Spirit to show up for each of us, I encountered a God of hope, who celebrates his children, and makes life happen. Christ Life Training is something that will push and challenge everything you thought you knew and leave you in awe of the stories God is writing in us—stories covered in redemption and hope, stories that bring dead things to life.

Patrick Doyle
(G42 & CLT)
Experiencing the Fathers Love is what has transformed my life the most and I have never experienced such intimacy as in my time during and since Christ Life Training. It has taught me to hear God to know Him and to walk in relationship with Him. These courses have broken off the chains that society and religion have placed on me through encounters with Holy Spirit! I have a future and a hope and it is in a relationship with my Heavenly Father that is for the Generations!

Derek Begin
(World Race, AIM & CLT)
Attending this training has given me a deeper understanding of GOD’s grace & has empowered me to walk in it & to love people where their at. I’m learning to walk in this deeper grace that GOD gives me because for too long I have been living in law & religion.

Yesenia Abarca
(G42 & CLT)
Encountering God and being transformed – this school has been a place of a furious love & a deep intimacy of what the Groom & Bride of Christ is about. You will never be the same.

Jeremiah Jackson
(World Race, G42 & CLT)
“Being here has solidified such an identity for me, it set such a foundation, it has shown me that inside of me is an anointing that breaks every yoke…”