To the BEGINNING of equipping YOURSELF for tomorrow
Fine tune your ability to Be EMPOWERED to LIVE in the NOW of the living testimony of Christ. Receive key study tools for the interpretation of scripture in a PERSONAL and INTIMATE way. Be TRANSFORMED through an understanding of God's LIFE giving authority. And be INSPIRED for the GENERATIONS of TOMORROW.

New Covenant Ministry
Based upon the book - The Now Covenant
New Covenant Ministry
- Two courses that reveal the difference between New Covenant and Old Covenant Ministry. Ministry application will be demonstrated. Grace and truth will prove to be stronger than law or conscience. Be prepared to be ambushed by God! The New Covenant is a NOW experience with God in Christ! This course will change your life forever! Required Book- The Now Covenant

Understanding Grace
Based upon the book - The Seven Eyes of Grace
Understanding Grace
- Three courses looking at the substance of the life-giving Spirit of God and how He has put His overcoming power into the very DNA of the Body of Christ. Each student will be empowered to grasp a spirit of revelation, the power of Christ’s liberation, and the amazing grace set into the very foundation of the life of the Church. This course is a MUST for every member of the Body of Christ! Required Books: The Redeemed Earth & The Seven Eyes of Grace

Hearing God's Voice
Based upon the book - Hearing The Voice
Hearing God's Voice
- Two courses designed to help the individual recognize the voice of God. Practical and spiritual keys will be given to help each individual more readily recognize God speaking in their life. This course will include practical activations in hearing the voice of God. This course includes exercises in hearing God’s voice in specific ways. Requires Book - Hearing The Voice

Understanding Authority
Based upon the book - Authority - Control? or Release!
Understanding Authority
- Two courses for Understanding Authority that will allow the lies found in worldly authority to crumble and the Truth of God-given and life-releasing Authority to be activated in your heart. It will cause you to embrace who God has created you to be and find the depths of life giving relationships around you. Required Book - Authority - Control? or Release!

Principles of Interpretation
This course presents =Biblical hermeneutics for understanding the New Covenant.
Principles of Interpretation
- This is a course presenting proper Biblical hermeneutics for understanding the New Covenant. Students will study to gain a deeper understanding of sound interpretation principles. This course will look closely at: methods of interpreting Scripture, Bible types, symbols, covenant terms, idioms, anthropomorphisms, hyperbole, prophetic expression and the like.

Study The Word
Keys to your partnership with Holy Spirit in your study of the Scriptures..
Study The Word
- This course presents keys to studying the Bible that will help you discover what tools match you and your relationship with the Holy Spirit and the secrets that God has for you. Assignments are given that are designed to teach various methods for studying your Bible. The goal of each session and its assignments is to help you discover what tools work best for you in relationship with the Holy Spirit.

Properly Judging Prophetic Ministry
This course presents foundational keys to recognizing true prophecy
Properly Judging Prophetic Ministry
- In recent years, God has demonstrated to the Church, in a wonderful way, its prophetic nature. We have seen a restoration of the ministry of the Prophet, as well as the prophetic ministry through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In this course we address the need to properly judge prophetic ministry.

Prophetic Ministry - A Ministry of Life
Keys to ministering rom the Tree of Life. A ministry of transformation, not information.
Prophetic Ministry - A Ministry of Life
- Change will only come to the earth when the voice of God is heard in the earth. When God speaks, He doesn’t speak from a realm of rules and regulations. He speaks from the realm of life. Only words spoken from His realm of life will bring His rule of life to the earth.

The End Times of the Old Covenant
Based upon the book - For His Gory - You Have Been Left Behind
The End Times of the Old Covenant
- This course will set foundations in your life concerning what the Bible truly says in regard to the future of the world and the increasing power of Christ’s kingdom and His will being done in the nations. We look at God’s point for humanity, the language of Scripture, a covenant view of Scripture, Matthew 24, and Daniel’s 70 Weeks, the Rapture, and more. Based upon Ted J. Hanson’s book, For His Glory – You Have Been Left Behind.

New Covenant Foundations
Based upon the book - Christ Unveiled - A Revelation of Jesus Christ
Covenant Foundations of the New Covenant
- This course presents a detailed look at the book of Revelation, chapters 1–11 (A View From Heaven) and chapters 12-22 (A View From Earth). Attention is given to the exegesis, synthesis, as well as the application of the book of Revelation in our lives. This study presents a view of Revelation as a revelation of the person Jesus Christ in the believer’s life. It is based upon Ted J. Hanson’s book, Christ Unveiled – A Revelation of Jesus Christ.