Ted J. Hanson
Ted has a father's heart to see people released into their full inheritance. He ministers in many places as an apostolic builder and a prophetic speaker. His anointing is to expose the walls of the false and activate the pursuit of truth. Ted also brings New Covenant life and grace to barren places. Ted has authored several books on the topics New Covenant, prophecy, grace, hearing God, leadership, and a victorious church.
Ted brings truth to living in the New Covenant as sons and daughters of God in an intimate relationship with God. He activates prophetic life and a testimony of Christ that will change your life forever.
All of the courses offered fulfill various aspects of Ted’s Life Message - New Covenant Life and the Power of Grace

These courses of study examine the difference between New Covenant and Old Covenant Ministry. Attention is given to four basic conditions for living in New Covenant realities and how those realities are walked out in Christian life and in the function of New Covenant church community life. This course presents comparisons of the New Covenant and Old Covenant administrations and gives the student an understanding of the purpose of both and how they are connected.
Required Book - The Now Covenant
New Covenant Ministry (Part 1): Link
New Covenant Ministry (Part 2): Link
Required Book - The Now Covenant

Foundations For Hearing God’s Voice: Link
This course is designed to help the individual recognize the voice of God. Practical and spiritual keys will be given to help each individual more readily recognize God’s personal voice to them. This course will include practical activations in hearing the voice of God. This course includes exercises in hearing God’s voice in specific ways.
Foundations for Hearing God’s Voice - 10 hours of video / audio:
• Introduction to Hearing God• Foundations For Hearing God
• God's Words are Life-Giving Words
• Knowing The Thoughts of God
• A Paradigm Shift For Hearing God’s Voice
• Hearing God Will Guide Your Life
• Guidance Requires a Clear Witness
• Knowing The Will of God
• A Will of the Spirit
Required Book - Hearing The Voice
Overcoming Hindrances to Hearing God’s Voice: Link
This is our second course in Hearing God’s Voice and deals with the challenges presented to us by things that hinder us from hearing God’s Voice. Sessions include:
• The Importance of Hearing God
• The Gates of Hell Want to Prevail Against You
• How Can I Hear God’s Voice?
• Recognizing God’s Voice
• We Must Prepare to Hear God’s Voice
• We Must Know the Value of God’s Written Word
• Hindrances of Hearing
• Attitudes and Hearing
• Learning to Hear God Means Learning to do His Will
• Hearing God Will Guide Your Life
• Receiving God’s Specific Will
• The Key to Hearing God & Knowing God is Your Spirit
• How Can We Acquire God’s Wisdom and Direction?
• Hearing God is a Matter of Faith
Required Book - Hearing The Voice
Required Book - Take Another Look at Guidance, by Bob Mumpherd

Secrets to Understanding God's Word (Part 1): Link
This is a course presenting proper Biblical hermeneutics for understanding the New Covenant. Students will study to gain a deeper understanding of sound interpretation principles. This course will look closely at: methods of interpreting Scripture, Bible types, symbols, covenant terms, idioms, anthropomorphism, hyperbole, prophetic expression and the like. This is both an eye opener and a life saving study.
• Introduction of Basic Principles
• The Exegesis of Scripture
• The Synthesis of Scripture
• The Application of Scripture
• A Book of Covenant
• General Hermeneutics
• Finding God’s Secrets
• Type & Antitype
Required Book - Interpreting the Symbols and Types, by Kevin J. Connor
Secrets to Understanding God's Word (Part 2): Link
This course is a follow up to our first course concerning principles for proper Bible interpretation. In this course the student will get a deeper look at some key hermeneutical foundations with New Covenant applications. Students will study to gain a deeper understanding of sound interpretation principles. This course will look closely at: hermeneutical definitions, various approaches to Bible interpretation, foundations for doing expository study, an understanding of the covenant purpose of Scripture, application for syntactic Bible understanding, numerous rhetorical tools used in Bible language, some general hermeneutic foundations as well as some special hermeneutical approaches to various types of Scripture.
- A Look at Some Definitions
- Historical Cultural Interpretation
- An Expository Bible Study
- A Covenant View of Scripture
- Synthesis
- Rhetorical Tools
- General Hermeneutics
- Special Hermeneutics
- Basic Strong's Concordance Use
Study The Word: Link
This course presents keys to studying the Bible that will the student discover what tools match them in their relationship with the Holy Spirit and the secrets that God has for them in studying God’s word. Assignments will be given that are designed to teach various methods for studying your Bible. The goal of each session and its assignments is to help the student discover what tools work best for them in relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Required Books or Resources: Strong's Concordance, Bible Dictionary, Study Bible, Online Bible Study Resources

The Redeemed Earth & The Power of Grace: Link
The curse came through a government called, “the knowledge of good and evil”. Man’s knowledge of good and evil resulted in a curse upon the very ground of the earth. This course examines the seven things that happened in the fall of man and presents how these seven aspects brought futility to the earth. There were seven curses that came into the earth as a result of Adam’s fall. Those curses affect our everyday lives. We even take some of those curses as being normal, everyday life. Jesus Christ came to the world as the Son of Man to break the power of those curses in the earth for all of mankind. He came to restore men to a relationship with God as their Father. Understanding the futility brought into the realm of men at the fall of Adam sets a foundation for seven aspects of overcoming grace brought to us in Christ Jesus.
Required Books - The Redeemed Earth
Understanding Grace (A Level): Link
God has granted all people the ability to know the amazing power of His supernatural GRACE. This course examines seven truths established in the birthing of the church in Acts chapter 2 and how these same foundations are revealed as the foundations of the church. Repentance from dead works, faith towards God, the doctrine of baptisms, the laying on of hands, resurrection from the dead, eternal judgment, and perfections will be examined as foundations in the eternal church of Christ. This course will look at the substance of the life-giving Spirit of God and how He has put His overcoming power into the very DNA of the Body of Christ. Each student will be empowered to grasp a spirit of revelation, the power of Christ’s liberation, and the amazing grace set into the very foundation of the life of the Church. This course looks at Biblical truth in regard to the curse of Adam’s fall, God’s purpose and power of redemption, and the Holy Spirit’s work in church history and the life of the believer.
Required Books - The Seven Eyes of Grace
Understanding Grace (B Level): Link
This is a deeper look at the seven aspects of grace. This course includes a look at grace as it is revealed in its sevenfold aspects throughout the Old Testament and into the book of Revelation in the New Covenant. Presentation is given as to how grace has been working in church history and even how it is working in the present day. Each student will be empowered to grasp a deeper understanding of the power of Christ’s liberation, and the amazing grace set into the very foundation of the life of the Church. Students will grasp an understanding of the Holy Spirit’s work in church history and the life of the believer.
Required Books - The Seven Eyes of Grace

Understanding Authority (Part 1): Link
Authority is perhaps the most misunderstood subject in the world. Many people view authority as a means of controlling the world. Subduing and dominion often become words that inspire fear in the hearts of those who hear them. Understanding Authority will allow the lies found in worldly authority to crumble and for the Truth of God-given and life-releasing Authority to be activated in your heart. This course will inspire the student to embrace who God has created them to be and help them know how to find the depths of life-giving relationships around them in their life journey. This is the first of two courses on Understanding Authority. It Reveals the purpose of Authority, the process of authority, a defining of authority and it presents the loss of authority and an introduction as to how it is regained.
Required Book - Authority- Control? or Release!
Understanding Authority (Part 2): Link
This is the second of two courses on Understanding Authority. It will reveal further truth of God-given and life-releasing Authority for each and every person. This course will further inspire the student to embrace who God has created them to be and help them know how to find the depths of life-giving relationships around them in their life journey. It reveals the foundation for authority, the revealing of authority, and the relational aspects of authority. The aspects of leadership and measures of rule is presented. Instruction is given as to how authority pertains to the spirit, soul, and body and how these things apply as a life-giving source for others in life.
Required Book - Authority- Control? or Release!
Required Book - God's Leaders for Tomorrow's World, by Harold Eberle

Properly Judging Prophetic Ministry: Link
This is a Course Concerning Properly Judging Prophetic Ministry.
In recent years, God has demonstrated to the Church, in a wonderful way, its prophetic nature. We have seen a restoration of the ministry of the Prophet, as well as the prophetic ministry through the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In this course we address the need to properly judge prophetic ministry.
Required Book - Properly Judging Prophetic Ministry
Prophetic Ministry - A Ministry of Life: Link
When God Speaks, Life Happens!
Change will only come to the earth when the voice of God is heard in the earth. When God speaks, He doesn’t speak from a realm of rules and regulations. He speaks from the realm of life. Only words spoken from His realm of life will bring His rule of life to the earth.
Required Book - Prophetic Ministry a Ministry of Life

The End Times of The Old Covenant: Link
This course will set foundations in your life concerning what the Bible truly says in regard to the future of the world and the increasing power of Christ’s kingdom and His will being done in the nations. Attention is given to the exegetical application of End Times in the history of the Old Covenant Law and the nation of Israel. If you are looking for a way of escape, this course is not for you. If you are looking to rule and reign in the advancing kingdom of Christ, this course is a must! Level A presents a look a God’s point for humanity, a look at the language of Scripture, a covenant view of Scripture, Matthew 24, and Daniel’s 70 Weeks. Level A is based upon Ted J. Hanson’s book, For His Glory – You Have Been Left Behind. An introduction to the book of Revelation is included in this Level A teaching. The introduction to the Book of Revelation is also content of Level B of this course.
Required Book - For His Glory- You Have Been Left Behind
New Covenant Foundations – A View From Heaven: Link
This course can only be taken if the student has completed The End Times of The Old Covenant. This is one of two courses presenting a detailed look at the book of Revelation, chapters 1 - 11. Attention is given to the exegesis, synthesis, as well as the application of the book of Revelation in our lives. This study presents a view of Revelation as a revelation of the person Jesus Christ in the believer’s life. It is based upon Ted J. Hanson’s book, Christ Unveiled – A Revelation of Jesus Christ.The Holy Spirit will reveal Himself powerful during this course. This is one of our most life-transforming courses that we offer. We have experienced the presence of God in the midst of life-changing revelation time and time again in this presentation.
This course presents a detailed look at the book of Revelation, chapters 1 - 11. Attention is given to the exegesis, synthesis, as well as the application of the book of Revelation in our lives. This study presents a view of Revelation as a revelation of the person Jesus Christ in the believer's life.
Required Book - Christ Unveiled- A Revelation of Jesus Christ
New Covenant Foundations – A View From Earth: Link
This course can only be taken if the student has completed the course, New Covenant Foundations – A View From Heaven.This course presents a detailed look at the book of Revelation chapters 12 - 22. Attention is given to the exegesis, synthesis, as well as the application of the book of Revelation in our lives. This study presents a view of Revelation as a revelation of the person Jesus Christ in the believer’s life. It is based upon Ted J. Hanson’s book, Christ Unveiled – A Revelation of Jesus Christ.The Holy Spirit will reveal Himself powerful during this course. This is one of our most life-transforming courses that we offer. We have experienced the presence of God in the midst of life-changing revelation time and time again in this presentation.
This course presents a detailed look at the book of Revelation, chapters 12 - 22. Attention is given to the exegesis, synthesis, as well as the application of the book of Revelation in our lives. This study presents a view of Revelation as a revelation of the person Jesus Christ in the believer's life.
Required Book - Christ Unveiled- A Revelation of Jesus Christ

This course reveals keys for leaders and influencers of people. The purpose, means, and power of God commissioned ministry is defined. Empowerment of the generations of humanity living for the glory of the Father is explained. A progressiv
e plan of glory in the generations and a 100-year plan is revealed. Ted defines leadership teams as activators, facilitators, and those who bring a release of the expressions of God in a corporate community. Leaders seek to establish a culture of God’s kingdom among His people that carries a spirit of revelation within it that causes those who live there to do new things and see new results in their lives.
Required Reading - Generational Leadership - Secrets of Inheritance Revealed
10 Tests in the Wilderness: Link
This is a Leadership Course concerning 10 Tests set as examples to us in the journey of Israel from Egypt to the Promised Land. Every leader needs to now how to pass these tests and to lead others into the same overcoming grace. It is part of the process to becoming manifested sons of God in Christ.

New Covenant Worship:
This course is based upon the book, Worship and Praise – A Response to Love,by Ted J. Hanson. The student will be presented with truths based upon Ted Hanson's experience in worship ministry as a worship leader, worship director, psalmist, song writer, and leader in the church for more than 30 years. Worship and praise are not rituals we perform, they are responses to God's love. The result is seen in heavenly changes in the world around us.
Required Reading - Worship and Praise - A Response to Love

Individual Courses and Books Available at
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