Secret things belong to God, but when He reveals them to us they belong to the generations of our inheritance.Ted Hanson
Christ Life Training provides a spiritual encounter with Christ that is both revelatory and transformational in nature. We are presently offering online courses by Ted J. Hanson. These courses are based upon Ted’s personal revelation and anointing for teaching, activating and releasing New Covenant life and grace in others. These are secrets given to Ted by God in his more than 52 years as a believer. Secret things belong to God, but when they are given to someone they can be given to those who hunger for the grace given by God for that secret to be multiplied in the lives of many. The training process is designed to challenge you, stretch you, and make you grow through an encounter with Christ in your heart. Each course exhibits this same attribute.
Christ Life Training Course Catalog CLT Catalog

Our classes are offered on an individual basis, as online* classes or can be participated in as a group. More detailed information on Individual Classes Here!
- New Covenant Ministry 1* and New Covenant Ministry 2*
- Foundations for Hearing God’s Voice* and Overcoming Hindrances to Hearing God’s Voice*
- Secrets To Understanding God’s Word (1 & 2)* and Study the Word*
- (Understanding Grace) The Redeemed Earth & The Power of Grace*, Foundations of Grace*, and Grace B – A Deeper Look at Grace*
- Understanding Authority 1* & Understanding Authority 2*
- The End Times of the Old Covenant*
- Covenant Foundations of the New Covenant – A View From Heaven*
- Covenant Foundations of the New Covenant – A View From Earth*
- New Covenant Prophetic Ministry
- Properly Judging Prophetic Ministry*
- Prophetic Ministry – A Ministry of Life*
- Leadership Training
- Generational Leadership*
- 10 Tests in the Wilderness*
- New Covenant Worship*